Pope: Every Angelus is a Reminder of Mary's 'Yes'

(12/23/2008) Zenit News Agency (www.zenit.org)

The Holy Father invited the faithful to "gaze upon the ineffable mystery that Mary carried for nine months in her virginal womb: the mystery of God Who becomes man."

VATICAN CITY (Zenit) - Upon praying the Angelus, one relives the moment of Mary's "yes," says Benedict XVI.

The Pope reflected on the prayer of the Angelus before reciting the Marian prayer together with those gathered in St. Peter's Square.

He noted that today's Gospel is Luke's account of the Annunciation, "the mystery to which we return every day in reciting the Angelus."

"This prayer allows us to relive the decisive moment when God knocked at Mary's heart and, having received her 'yes,' began to take flesh in her and from her," The Pontiff said.

True indeed that the Angelus is a prayer that constantly reminds us of Mary’s fiat to the Lord. She humbly accepted the Lord’s will, “Be it done unto me, according to your word.” Her humility made her pleasing to God, Who chose her to be the Mother of His Son. By her fiat, she cooperated with the Father’s will and so our salvation was made possible.

Just imagine and reflect, what could have happened had Mary refused God’s invitation for her to be the Mother of His Son Who came into this world to save us? Come to think of it.

Let us imitate Mary, who is full of grace, yet humble and obedient, even if this obedience meant her heart to be pierced with a sword especially when she was there following the footsteps of her Son in carrying the Cross of our sins because of His great love for us.


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